About Grizzlybear.se and the photos!

First, do notice that this website is not intended for persons under the age of 18 years. =)
At Grizzlybear.se you can find free high resolution photos for both commercial use and personal use. All of the photos in the gallery / albums on this website are licensed under the Grizzlybear.se Free Photo License! That license basically means "you can do whatever you want" with the photos! Please read the "full" license before using any photos, you can find it in the menu.
The photos are taken (and edited) by me, Jonathan Petersson, here in Sweden! I am the sole photographer of the photos and have the full right to license them as I want to, so you can use them in your projects. Most of the photos are in the category of landscapes and nature, but there are also other stuff like cities, buildings, animals and such, simply a mixed range of photos.
INFO! None of the photos are AI-generated and I DO NOT allow AI-modules to crawl this website for learning purposes.
Why do I give them away for free you might ask? Because I would like to give back to the awesome open source community! One other reason is that I only use a a fraction of the photos myself, so why let the other photos sit on a harddrive or memory card unused when others can make something out of them?
Most of the photos comes in one high resolution size: 4256 x 2830 px (and they are all JPG). Although the original image size from the camera is larger I have decided not to offer them in any higher resolution, unfortunately. Notice, some photos comes in a smaller resolution than above mentioned, because they were taken with another camera or cropped!
I will upload new photos whenever I can and do have something new to offer, so stay tuned by visiting the site once in a while. P.S., if you have any suggestions about new photos, shout it out in an email (personal data are handled according to GDPR).
As stated above, the photos are free, free, free! They are licensed under my Grizzlybear.se Photo License which in short means you can do whatever you want with them, even use them for commercial purpose without attribution! Attribution would be nice though, but I understand that it isn't all that simple to give credit depending on the circumstances regarding the use of the picture. Read more about the license in the menu.
P.S., the photos can also be found on my Flickr-page as well as my Unsplash.com-page, Pexels.com-page and Pixabay.com-page. Please notice though, the highest resolution of the photos are here on this website!
Click around on the website to have a look at the high definition photos and download them right now!
Photos are Copyright © Jonathan Petersson.
Last but not least, use this website with common sense, do not do anything illegal with it or the photos.
Now? ..go have fun making some awesome stuff with the photos, whether it is for personal use or commercial use! If you'd like to showcase me what you've done with the photos I would be very glad to receive an email about it!
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